HSU's Christlieb Program

Sponsor a Christlieb Student

The Christlieb (German for “Christ’s love”) Program reflects the desire of HSU founder, James B. Simmons, to show Christ’s love to all students. Through this new program, orphan students can attend HSU with their tuition paid for by a sponsor. These orphan students have either had their parents die, have been permanently abandoned by their parents, or their parents are unknown.

James 1:27 (NIV) says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” While not every homeless student is an orphan, students who classify as independent do not have a family member’s support to attend college. As a Christian university, it is our mission not only to educate students who can afford it but to support those who cannot.

Perhaps you are not in a position to adopt a child into your home, but you have been blessed with financial resources to “adopt” a student by supporting their desire for a Christian education. Sponsors can support a student for their entire tuition, or they will be matched with other donors to meet the students’ needs together. To donate any amount to the program click the button below.

Sponsor a Christlieb Student

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